22 September 2009

Tom tout blanc et Mounette toute noire

beautiful and soft cats.

Et voici un chat NOIR et BLANC


  1. Is this your cat also? Three cats. That is a beautiful cat.

  2. Sur la palette blanche , le peintre à laissé tomber son pinceau.Le résultat d'une maladresse est très artistique .
    Bonne journée

  3. What a handsome cat with lovely eyes.
    Sunny :)

  4. il est beau ce chat !
    j'en ai eu un pareil sauf qu'il avait plus de noir que de blanc Harry
    il ressemblait a Felix de la pub.
    love a+++
    ici c'est l'ete indien

  5. Only Mounette is mine, she lives with me in Florida.
    Tom, the white ,lives in France at
    my daughter's home with "sibbling"
    cats. A large family ! 5 cats.

  6. What a beautiful black and white kitty!! Such a pretty face. I hope she made it down from the tree okay!

    Catherine, did you get my message? You are more than welcome to use any photo of Katie you'd like. If it would help, I'd be happy to email you a jpeg.

    Have a great day!
    Debbie, a.k.a. Glogirly

  7. Thankyou Debbie, you are very nice
    and I appreciate your kindness.
    Sometimes I pick a picture of Katie in your blog
    and I have enough like that, thx
    Have a great day

  8. What a lovely kitten. And he climbed there just of pose for you! ;)
